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Cornell University

Center for Regional Economic Advancement

We support and empower people to to start and grow new ventures


Tom Schryver

Tom Schryver

Executive Director

Hallie ArbitalJacoby

Hallie ArbitalJacoby

Events Coordinator for Programs

Vladmir Baranov

Vladmir Baranov

Entrepreneur in Residence

Brian Bauer

Brian Bauer

Entrepreneur in Residence

Ed Bizari

Ed Bizari

Entrepreneur in Residence

Illa Burbank

Illa Burbank

Entrepreneur in Residence

Amy Cheney

Amy Cheney

Entrepreneur in Residence

Barak Cohen

Barak Cohen

Entrepreneur in Residence

Nate Cook

Nate Cook

Entrepreneur in Residence

Sara DeVault-Feldman

Sara DeVault-Feldman

Program Associate for Entrepreneurship Programs

Katharine Downey

Katharine Downey

Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Summer Dracup

Summer Dracup

Program Coordinator for Entrepreneurship Programs

Doug Dresslaer

Doug Dresslaer

Entrepreneur in Residence

Julie Eagle

Julie Eagle

Entrepreneur in Residence

Shannon Ellis

Shannon Ellis

Regional Director of IN I-Corps

Susan Fleming

Susan Fleming

Entrepreneur in Residence

Lindsay Gigliello

Lindsay Gigliello

Product Development Engineer

Sydney Golding

Sydney Golding

Program Coordinator for Entrepreneurship Programs

Alex Hagen

Alex Hagen

Entrepreneur in Residence and Jiang Fellows Program Director

Bridget Hagen

Bridget Hagen

Marketing and Communications Specialist

Will Heptig

Will Heptig

Interior Northeast I-Corps Hub Program Manager and SBIR/STTR Assistance Program Lead

Greta Hotopp

Greta Hotopp

Director of Finance & Administration

Andrea Ippolito

Andrea Ippolito

Director, W.E. Cornell, Mentor

Li Jiang

Li Jiang

Entrepreneur in Residence

Nancy Kirby

Nancy Kirby

Entrepreneur in Residence

James Kirtland

James Kirtland

Executive in Residence

Deanna Kocher

Deanna Kocher

Associate Director of Hardware Programs

Clara Lee

Clara Lee

Program Associate for Entrepreneurship Programs

Rebecca Lewis

Rebecca Lewis

Programs Finance Specialist

Adam MacDonald

Adam MacDonald

Program Associate for Entrepreneurship Programs

Sarah Meyer

Sarah Meyer

Grow-NY Program Manager

Elisa Miller-Out

Elisa Miller-Out

Entrepreneur in Residence

Maya Minter

Maya Minter

Program Associate for Entrepreneurship Programs

Charles Nakamura

Charles Nakamura

Programs Finance Specialist

Melanie Neumann

Melanie Neumann

Entrepreneur in Residence

Caitlin Parrucci

Caitlin Parrucci

Entrepreneur in Residence

Amanda Pitman

Amanda Pitman

Program Manager, Dairy Innovation

Aaron Proujansky

Aaron Proujansky

Entrepreneur in Residence

Gregory Ray

Gregory Ray

Entrepreneur in Residence

Gene Rendino

Gene Rendino

Entrepreneur in Residence

Jenna Rice

Jenna Rice

Program Coordinator

Ken Rother

Ken Rother

Director of Rev and Program Lead: Hardware Programs

Stephen Sauer

Stephen Sauer

Entrepreneur in Residence

Heather Sandford

Heather Sandford

Entrepreneur in Residence

Caitlin Schickel

Caitlin Schickel

Director of Program Operations

Jenn Smith

Jenn Smith

Director of Food & Ag Innovation Programs

Justin Smithline

Justin Smithline

Entrepreneur in Residence

Hope Spithaler

Hope Spithaler

Events & Project Manager

Chris Strub

Chris Strub

Program Associate

Brynhildur Stefánsdóttir MacDonald

Brynhildur Stefánsdóttir MacDonald

Program Coordinator for Entrepreneurship Programs

John Tauzel

John Tauzel

Entrepreneur in Residence

Bennett Thomas

Bennett Thomas

Entrepreneur in Residence

Leigh Toerper

Leigh Toerper

Marketing and Communications Lead

Brad Treat

Brad Treat

Entrepreneur in Residence AND Director of Southern Tier Startup Alliance

Stephanie Wisner

Stephanie Wisner

Entrepreneur in Residence

Brandon Wright

Brandon Wright

Entrepreneur in Residence